in 1917 a great fire destroyed parts of salonika and damaged the family bestate/b. many jewish-owned properties, including the mallah's, were expropriated by the greek government. jewish population emigrated from greece and much of the ...
29 Mart 2009 tarihinde yap?lan seçimlerde CHP'den Belediye Başkanl??? görevine seçilen M.Sait Özo?lu, görevi makamda düzenlenen sembolik "Başkanl?k mührü" teslim töreniyle eski Belediye Başkan? Vahit Mutlu'dan devrald?. ...
in 1917 a great fire destroyed parts of salonika and damaged the family bestate/b. many jewish-owned properties, including the mallah's, were expropriated by the greek government. jewish population emigrated from greece and much of the ...